How I'm Surviving (Thriving?) While Social Distancing
Am I surviving or am I thriving? I thought I was thriving a few weeks ago as I watched all my plans get cancelled and feigned disappointment.
We are now over two weeks in.
The other day I actually said to my husband “I’m bored.”
When’s the last time I had time to feel… bored? What am I, an underachieving 6 year old? Gross. Go make a 5 year plan or something, Brittney. Who are you?
Anyway, here’s how I’m staying sane so far aka a list of things to do before you are allowed to utter the words “I’m bored.”
Assuming you don’t have kids, of course. If you do, carry on soldier and God bless.
Watching dance videos on youtube. A previously guilty pleasure but now considered a good use of a solid 3 hours.
Taking the time to cook healthy meals for myself. There's only so much hummus a girl can survive on. I tell myself if I can easily spend 20 minutes watching Instagram stories, I can cook some pasta and saute some kale.
Giving in and eating not so healthy foods. You win some, you lose some. No one is around to see these breakouts anyway.
Cleaning! Maybe it’s not for everyone, but I’m a stress cleaner and it totally makes me feel better.
Watching chick flicks. I watched He's Just Not That Into You on Netflix and then spent the entire time wondering why I've never seen it before and texting my friends to ask if they had ever watched it.
Discovering new music. Never listened to much Mac Miller unit now, tbh. The quarantine has given me this at least.
Lighting candles. Probably should have bought some toilet paper pre-social distancing but instead I was getting candles at PCC. Not totally sure I regret it yet, but ask me again 3 rolls from now.
Drawing on my iPad. While I watch chick flicks. You can view said subpar drawings on my instagram highlights @brittney_kiera_.
Making smoothies. My go-to has been almond milk, banana, mango, blueberries, ginger and Orgain plant based protein powder, the vanilla flavor.
Reading poetry. In book form, I've been reading Bloom For Yourself by April Green. But honesty I've also just been finding poetry accounts on instagram and reading their posts.
Writing poetry. Because why not?
Listing to podcasts. Well okay I'd be doing this anyway but whatever. Most recently listened to Dear Hank & John and binge listening to season 6 of Uncover which was insanely good and I highly recommend. I learned about it from listening to My Favorite Murder, which is also a winner.
Finishing unfinished projects. So many. Why do I start these things? Why do I do this to myself?
Stalking facebook groups. I almost exclusively spend my time on Facebook within various groups. Today I got advice on my aloe vera plants because I’m in a Seattle Plant group. If you know me you won’t be surprised by that fact.
Repotting my plants. Per the advice from the facebook group. Running low on cactus soil. Social distancing can only last so long, right?
Doing crosswords with my husband on the NY Times crossword app. Do we sometimes try every letter for words we don’t know? Yes. Don’t judge us. We don’t Google the answers, okay. That should be good enough for you.
Doing a puzzle with my husband. It's Pocahontas.
Watching my favorite musicians do covers on instagram because they are equally as trapped and bored as us. Thank you Dave and Ruel, you're true legends. @glassanimals @oneruel
Wait did I already water this plant? Well maybe just a little more .. NO, resist. Resist.
Reading. It’s honestly been so nice to allow myself hours to read at night. Currently reading: Arcana Chronicles: Arcana Rising. And if it sounds like a cheesy YA novel with a probably unhealthy love triangle, it’s because it is. And it's deliciously problematic.
Putting my dishes in the dishwasher and wiping crumbs off of the counter. I find that a tidy house seems to help with the impending insanity.
Cuddling with my mans. I’m like a cat climbing on my husband's keyboard while he tries to work from home. Give me the attention I deserve! If you don’t have someone to cuddle right now, cuddle a pillow or a stuffed animal or something. Seriously, cuddling helps. It’s science. Pretty sure.
Trying to get the curly girl method to work. My bangs are now surpassing my nose. Send help. Preferably my stylist in a hazmat suit.
Taking baths.Milky Bath Bubble Bar from Lush. 'Nuff said.
Side hustling. Like writing this mildly entertaining blog post that you're reading because you're bored af too. If you have a side hustle, you've probably got lots of time to slay it or whatever, but also remember to rest and cherish this time to rocoup because you're worth isn't determined by your productivity babe. <3

Well, not sure when this will end so I guess I'll see you on the other side and until then, wash your hands and change out of your pajamas occasionally.
In the meantime, if you're looking for something a little more in depth to work on while you're cooped up, check out my post The Art of Getting Back to Yourself: Realign with Yourself and Your Needs, and while you're at it download my free workbook that goes along with it. Take some time today to jump into your personal development journey and go a little deeper.
Action steps
Put the hot pockets down (preferably forever). Make yourself a nice meal today. Spend at least an hour doing something that doesn't involve a screen.
We're going to get through this guys. In the meantime, enjoy a little slow living.